RKMLSP in Sanitation Movement:
Ramakrishna Mission Lokasiksha Parishad (RMKLSP), Narendrapur has been collaborating in Water and Sanitation Sector since 1981 partnering with Government of India, Government of West Bengal, UNICEF, CAPART etc. The Parishad, as a Pioneer Institution of Rural Sanitation Movement across the country, has been involved directly since 1981 in delivering WASH services through demonstrating an appropriate decentralised Community Led Approach and System in Planning, Implementation through Community Led Approaches, Monitoring & Evaluation and installation of scientifically designed Household and Institutional Sanitation Facilities in rural areas of West Bengal.
Starting from People Led and Demand Driven Strategy (PLDDS), 1990, to Community Approach to Total Sanitation (CATS), 2015, the Water and Sanitation unit of RKMLSP has been engaged in WASH initiatives of the country in varied name like- Central Rural Sanitation Programme (CRSP), 1990, Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC), 2000, Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA), 2012, Swachh Bharat Mission- Gramin / Mission Nirmal Bangla (SBM-G/MNB), 2014.
Objective of WASH Programme and Implementation Strategy:
The sole objective of WASH programme of RKMLSP is stressed on reaching out to un-served and partially-served rural populace with improved WASH services and to promote and sustain better health and hygiene practices for enhancing quality of life. The RKMLSP has designed its implementation strategy through capacity development, community mobilisation, Institutional strengthening, Information, Education & Communication (IEC) and Social Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) activities.
Sanitation Endeavour & Innovation: Demonstration of Medinipur Model
First Demand Driven Sanitation Strategy (DDSS) of the country was conceived, designed and initiated in undivided Medinipur District, for 1% population of India’s people, in the year of 1989 by RKMLSP in collaboration with Government of West Bengal, Medinipur Zilla Parishad and technical and financial support of UNICEF.
Technical Design of Rural Toilet Model: Affordable and Environment friendly:
RKMLSP developed scientifically designed different types of toilet model with the technical support of UNICEF, particularly for Medinipur District. In the later stage, these toilet designs were adopted under TSC across West Bengal as well as in other states of India. Demand Driven Sanitation Strategy for undivided Medinipur has been recognized as an accepted Model for promotion of Central Rural Sanitation Programme (CRSP) in India.
International and National Recognition:
This sanitation strategy has been recognized by GOI, UNICEF, WSP of World Bank, WHO and other international orgainsations. The Sanitation initiatives in undivided Medinipur (and thereafter Purba and Paschim Medinipur) include Production Centres, Decentralized Solid and Liquid Waste Management System, Community managed drinking water sources, Water testing laboratories of RKMLSP and its associated Cluster organisations were the centre of attraction. Sanitation experts of different countries like Bangladesh, Nepal, Srilanka, China, Thailand, Iraq, Vietnam, South Africa etc. visited Peoples Led Medinipur Sanitation initiative to understand the strategies, process and programs of community participation in sustainable sanitation movement. RKMLSP has successfully demonstrated School Sanitation and Hygiene Education (SSHE) strategies in 559 schools of Purba Medinipur district in collaboration with UNICEF and District Education Department of Purba Medinipur. The approach of SSHE Programme has in turn influenced the Education Department, Government of West Bengal to adopt SSHE in all schools across the state in 2012
An Epoch-making Achievement in Rural Sanitation initiative:
The Nirmal Gram Puruskar under organisation category was awarded to RKMLSP, Narendrapur, by His Excellency Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam, the President of India, on 23rd March 2006 at New Delhi in recognition of its outstanding contribution in promotion of Rural Sanitation in the country. Purba Medinipur District Administration has felicitated RKMLSP for its support to the district in achieving the status of Nirmal Zilla in the Year 2017.
Functioning as Key Resource Centre for Sanitation:
Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Government of India has recognised RKMLSP as Key Resource Centre for Sanitation (KRC) from 2004-05. KRC of RKMLSP has been supporting different State Governments in assessing the training needs, designing the training programs and imparting capacity development activities for the stakeholders of WASH programs.