Vocational Training (VT)
Ramakrishna Mission Lokasiksha Parishad is a premium multipurpose training centre in West Bengal as well as in India . Among many programmes implemented by Parishad , The Vocational Training is by far the most important. The number of unemployed among the educated , semi educated and illiterate youth are emerge in West Bengal. A large part of those who have received education with a hope to get employment , are disillusioned in absence of placement and loose confidence in themself .Semieducated and illiterates ,too do not have any idea on how to earn income and live gracefully. Recognizing this social issue Ramakrishna Mission Lokasiksha Parishad devised a number of vocational training courses with which these helpless unemployed youths can hope to generate income and become self reliant . The trainings are imparted in both residential and non residential mode in the serene Ashrama environment by skilled instructor and faculty members .stress is also accorded on value education which helps them to elevate their mental state to regain self esteem and start their future life with new vigour. Ramakrishna Mission Lokasiksha Parishad is a off campus centre of RKMVERI ( Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda educational and Research institute ) , a deemed university recognized by Government of India.
- Admission forms are available through out the year.
- Generally admission takes place through an Interview conducted in the months of March and September every year .
Presently the Parishad imparts regular training on :